Project AFFIRM is now recruiting participants in New York City for an exciting new substudy! The purpose of this substudy is to learn more about sleep disturbance and fatigue (extreme tiredness) among Latinx transgender people. We want to understand how experiences of discrimination might affect sleep and fatigue, and which things might help people have better sleep and less fatigue.

This substudy involves two visits to the Columbia University School of Nursing. The first visit involves answering questions about your health, giving saliva samples, and putting on an actigraph watch and blood pressure monitor to take home and wear. The second visit involves returning the actigraph watch and blood pressure monitor and answering questions about your experience participating in the substudy.

If you are 18 years of age or older and identify as Latinx or Hispanic and transgender, nonbinary, or genderqueer you may be eligible to participate. Participants will be compensated at each visit. If you are interested in being considered for this substudy please fill out the screener by clicking the link below..


For more information or to join the study please call:

(646) 774 6921 or email us.